Lowell Housing Assistance
Alternative House, through the City of Lowell has funds available to support move in, relocation, moving, or utility costs.
Allowable Expenses
First and Last Month’s Rent: One-time payments not to exceed two months of rent can be made available using ESG funds to cover first and last month’s rent for eligible individuals or families moving into a new residence. The amount for each month must also falls at or below the FMR limits for that time period.
Rental application fee.
Security Deposits: One-time payments not to exceed one month can be provided to cover security deposits for homeless individuals or families moving into a new residence. The amount must also falls at or below the FMR limits for that time period.
Moving Costs: One-time payments not to exceed $2,000 per client can be provided to cover moving costs for homeless individuals or families moving into a new residence or households at risk of homelessness who will move into a new unit that will provide increases chances at housing stability. Funds may be used for reasonable moving costs, such as truck rental or hiring a moving company. Payments in this category can only be paid to a third-party.
Utility Deposits and Payments: One time payments. Funds may be used for reasonable utility deposits only if necessary to move into a new residence. Payments in this category can only be paid to a third-party (e.g. the utility company).
Utility Arrears: Utility arrears can be covered if and when paying such arrears will allow program participants to stay in their home or clear their record to allow them to move into a new unit that will offer more stability. Each eligible client or family can be provided up to six (6) months of back- utilities for the purpose of preventing homelessness or rapidly rehousing the person/ household. This form of assistance is only to be made available on a one- time basis per client/ household/ each consecutive year
Eligibility for ESG services must be based on the meeting the definition of “at risk of homelessness” established by HUD.
Participants receiving assistance must be currently housed within the City of Lowell geographic area limits but can be re-housed outside of the City Lowell limits
When providing Homelessness Prevention assistance, at initial entry to the program a household must have income below 30 percent of median family income for the area to be eligible for assistance. Income is also reviewed at time of program reevaluation for both homelessness prevention and ESG rapid rehousing
Required Documents
An initial evaluation must be conducted at the beginning of service.
Each evaluation of eligibility must establish that the program participant does not have an annual income that exceeds 30 percent of median family income for the area, as determined by HUD.
Re-evaluation(s) must be conducted every three months thereafter. that the project application meets the criteria of homeless, as defined by the homeless definition.
All clients receiving assistance must have the following documentation:
Copy of bill or lease
Income verification
Intake with AH staff