The mission of Alternative House is to facilitate the creation of a society in which violence and oppression will no longer exist. As a means to this end, we offer access to shelter, support, children’s programming, legal, housing, and community advocacy for all victims of domestic violence (and their children) who seek our help.
We are committed to empowering all survivors to self-sufficiency. We do not discriminate against any race, class, culture, age group or sexual orientation. In addition, we provide community education and support to reform societal attitudes that permit violence and oppression against anyone.

Alternative House has staff available 24/7, 365, via our 24 hour hotline at 1-888-291-6228
Our services include: court accompaniment, emergency shelter, relocation services, housing search and financial support. We can be reached by phone and email.
Please note our email is not monitored 24/7.

Alternative House has provided comprehensive domestic violence services in the Greater Lowell area for over forty years. Founded in 1978, Alternative House has served thousands of survivors of domestic violence. The agency provides not only emergency shelter and 24-hour crisis hotline services but access to temporary safe housing, transitional/permanent housing, legal advocacy, supervised visitation services, community/housing advocacy, support groups, youth, and teen programming, as well as daily access to case management, safety planning, and support around goal setting, financial empowerment, and job/educational placement.